Wednesday, April 5, 2023 - The Islamic Religious Education Study Program Student Association (HMPS PAI) joined in the "Semarak Ramadhan" carrying out the activities of the Faculty of Tarbiyah Sharing. This activity is one of a series of lively events during Ramadan. Previously the Teaching FIT activities had been running for two weeks, so the Various FIT activities were closing activities. The activities carried out were not far from the cooperation of all parties, both from the ranks of lecturers, students and Ormawa of the Faculty of Tarbiyah Sciences.
Ormawa Faculty of Tarbiyah Sciences indicates accepting donations in any form with the aim that all parties can contribute to these activities. The total funds collected amounted to Rp. 1,542,000 from student and lecturer donations. The sharing was divided into two activities, namely sharing takjil and teaching at the TPA FIT mosque. The distribution of takjil in the form of heavy food and drinks. The sharing of takjil was carried out by representatives of each ormawa, this sharing activity was led by the chairman of Dema, Moch. Fadli.
Sharing activities begin with coordination the beginning of all the representatives of the ormawa in front of the PPG yard and the sharing of takjil places. In the distribution of places divided into four, namely the Kartasura monument, bangjo, markets and along the road. Targetat each places have different characteristics, for example in Bangjo, the Kartasura Monument and the market are people using the surrounding roads.Whereas along the way the target is people who are less able, such as street people, rickshaws, scavengers. However, the priority for the distribution of takjil here are the people who really need it and the ojol workers and others. In sharing FIT, HMPS PAI was immediately spearheaded by the general chairperson Oktavia Adeliya Putri and several of her department staff.
A series of FIT sharing activities not only in the form of sharing takjil, but also sharing Al-Qur'an manuscripts to the takmir of the mosque. The mosque that was given the assistance of the Mushaf of the Qur'an was the mosque that was used as a place for FIT Teaching. This form of activity is also a memento between the takmir of the mosque and all parties related to the splendor of Ramadan. It is hoped that with activities like this, bonds can be fostered brotherhood between the takmir of the mosque and the Faculty of Tarbiyah Sciences. So this is one of the implementations of students in community service. The lively Ramadhan committee also gave a certificate of appreciation to the related mosque, which Dr. Imroatus Solikhah, M.Pd. as vice dean III.
In the future, activities involving students in the realm of community service can always be supported by share both students, ormawa, lecturers and faculty. So that it can have a positive impact on the surrounding community, especially the immediate environment of the campus. Alhamdulillah, the activities of FIT sharing and FIT teaching which are joined in the lively Ramadhan due to the collaboration of HMPS PAI, PIAUD, PGMI, PBA, DEMA, SEMA can run well and be successful.
Contributor: Achfan Aziz Z