31 March 2023

Visiting Lecture from University of Wolverhampton Collaborates with UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta to Support Inclusive Education in Indonesia

Surakarta, 31st March 2023 - University of Wolverhampton, represented by Professor Chris Pascal, Professor Tony Bertram, Professor Megan Lawton, Dr Tunde Rozsahegyi, Dr. Komali Yenneti, and Dr. Zeta Williams-Brown as Lead team, has collaborated with UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, represented by Mr. Irfan Syaifuddin, M.HI, Ms. Pratiwi Rahmah M.Pd, and Ms. Suprapti, M.Pd.I., to support inclusive education in Indonesia through a joint research project.

The joint research project, themed "Inclusive Education in Indonesia: Sharing Practices, Building Partnership, and Supporting Pre-Service Teachers", aims to promote inclusive education in Indonesia through sharing best practices, building partnerships, and supporting pre-service teachers. The collaboration is expected to lead to sustainable cooperation in the development of inclusive education in the country.

As part of the collaboration, a visiting lecture program was conducted at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta on 30th March 2023. The program was attended by academics, researchers, and students interested in inclusive education. The visiting lecture provided an opportunity for participants to gain knowledge and insights into inclusive education from the experienced professors from University of Wolverhampton.

Professor Chris Pascal, one of the visiting lecturers from University of Wolverhampton, expressed his appreciation for the collaboration and the opportunity to share their knowledge and expertise in inclusive education. "We are delighted to collaborate with UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta to promote inclusive education in Indonesia. We hope that this collaboration will lead to sustainable partnership and development of inclusive education practices in the country," he said.

Mr. Irfan Syaifuddin, M.HI, the representative from UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, also expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration. "We are grateful for the opportunity to work together with University of Wolverhampton to promote inclusive education in Indonesia. We hope that this joint research project will lead to significant improvements in inclusive education practices in the country," he said.

The joint research project and the visiting lecture program are part of a long-term collaboration between University of Wolverhampton and UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta to support inclusive education in Indonesia. Through this collaboration, both institutions aim to contribute to the development of inclusive education practices in the country and provide better opportunities for students with diverse needs.

Visiting Lecture from University of Wolverhampton Collaborates with UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta to Support Inclusive Education in Indonesia